dijous, 29 de novembre del 2012

Taller de fonètica

Tenim data per a un taller de fonètica: divendres 18 de gener de 15.30 a 17.30 hores.
El taller consisteix en dues hores de classe on aprendràs les nocions bàsiques de la fonètica per pronunciar millor i entendre millor el que diuen els nadius. 
Nivell mínim: intermig
Preu: 28€

No us ho penseu més... us serà molt útil!!  Reserveu plaça a l'escola o al telèfon 934053982

dimarts, 27 de novembre del 2012

CLIL: Collage

Aquesta setmana és la setmana CLIL a l'escola. Tots els grups farem una activitat relacionada amb l'ART. 

Avui, el Robert, el Víctor i l'Anna han après qè és un COLLAGE. Mireu quines obres d'art han creat!

 A house and a Car

 My planet: Jupiter


dijous, 15 de novembre del 2012



A Idiomes Tarradellas tenim targetes pel valor que tu 

vulguis. La persona escollida podrà utilitzar aquests diners en 

totes les modalitats de classe: conversa, grups, particulars, 

compartides... un regal ben útil que de ben segur que 


diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2012

A Halloween Story!

This story happened on Friday 13th 2113. Laura, David and Lisa were returning from the party at Dracula’s castle in Transalvania.
Laura and David are friends and Lisa is David’s sister. She was only 5.
They got on the metro at one o´clock in the morning. They were very tired after the party. The train stopped in the middle of the tunnel. They got off the train and started walking. At that moment the lights turned off. Lisa disappeared and they shouted and searched but didn’t find her. They found a door and opened it. The walked through it and a forest appeared. Laura and David saw five witches who had Lisa. They fight and try to save her but she disappears.
All of a sudden they wake up on the train in the metro. They were sleeping and were dreaming.
But Lisa is not there!!!

Carolina, Anna and Mar